Sunday, February 1, 2009

Snow Camping

I went snow camping with some of the scouts in our ward. Honestly, I was scared to death, but all in all it turned out to be okay. I didn't sleep to well, but I was not cold during the night, so that was a plus. We slept in snow caves that had been constructed the weekend before. Most of the structures had picnic table skeletons; the scouts and leaders dug out the snow from under the tables at the camp ground. I really wasn't looking forward to going, and participating in the scouting program hasn't been my favorite thing, but I think this outing was a turning point for the better. Here some pictures of the structures that were used during the camp:


3 of us said...

I love you pictures they are so cute
I have a blog too if you want to see them one is and on I made for my son it you want we can keep in touch that way too.. Have a good day Heather!!

3 of us said...

You have so much snow we don't have any :(