Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Let the Big Boy Eat

I wanted to share with everyone, how fun breakfast, lunch, and dinner is for Christian. I for one am excited when meal time isn't so messy. Although I have to say Christian can do some funny tricks while eating. Recently, he enjoyed putting his cup on top of his head and balancing it. Grace school here we come!

Christian is starting to not like bibs as much. He use to just leave them a lone, now he will try to pull it off, if I don't give him something to play with.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Snow Camping

I went snow camping with some of the scouts in our ward. Honestly, I was scared to death, but all in all it turned out to be okay. I didn't sleep to well, but I was not cold during the night, so that was a plus. We slept in snow caves that had been constructed the weekend before. Most of the structures had picnic table skeletons; the scouts and leaders dug out the snow from under the tables at the camp ground. I really wasn't looking forward to going, and participating in the scouting program hasn't been my favorite thing, but I think this outing was a turning point for the better. Here some pictures of the structures that were used during the camp: