Thursday, May 5, 2011

Christian's Potty Success

Potty training has not been as easy as I thought it was going to be. Christian started going potty at the age of 18 months. He would be interested in going for about 2 weeks and then would want to stop. This has been happening off and on until now. I was starting to get really worried because he showed no signs in wanting to be potty trained. I have tried everything from games to restaurants and finally I decide to try a fish. Every time we go to Walmart, Christian wants to go look at the fish. Last Wednesday, I told Christian that if he would go potty and received enough stickers to fill up his chart, we would buy him a fish.

On Saturday, Christian got his fish (Gill). He was pretty excited but decided that he wanted a whale instead of a fish. I told him that he couldn't have a whale because they are too big. I don't know if I should say that he is finally potty trained or not but has done really well for over a week.

1 comment:

Stacy B said...

Hooray for Christian! He's so big and cute! Hope you guys are doing well:)