Monday, December 14, 2009

Christian versus the snow!

Chris finished his semester on last Friday. We decided to just spend Saturday doing things as a family. Chris and I started the day off by playing Doctor Mario. We had so much fun because it has been a really long time since we have played the Nintendo together. After Christian's nap, we decided to take Christian sledding for the first time.

Chris and Christian getting ready to take off!

and away they go!

Christian lost one of his gloves so I put one of mine on him, since I wasn't using it.

Watch out Christian, your drool is going to freeze!

Over all I think Christian will like the snow more after he has better gloves. So far, he hasn't had great experience with the snow. My mom bought him snow pants and boots as a early birthday gift. She took him out in his new gear and he fell face forward into the snow. Learning to walk in his snow boots presents a new challenge for him. I hope he will eventually like the snow.


Michelle said...

he is so cute

Steven and Kari said...

he will learn to love it! Cute pictures!

Jaclyn B. said...

I'm sorry, I STILL don't have your email address so I have to communicate this way. Kristine Alkema Lines is going to be in town so we're having another get together at my parents house in Bountiful on Dec. 27th at 8:30 pm. Please email me for more info! Hope you can come!