Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One Little Monkey Jumping In His Bed

Christian has started to give me a harder time about going to bed, especial for nap time. On Monday, he jumped, played and cried for two hours. Today he wouldn't go down for a nap until 2:45. I really hope that he is not giving up naps. I for one still need nap time for a couple of reasons:

1. I need to have down time from my wild man.
2. So I can get some things done.

Here are some of Christian's newest pre-bedtime antics for your viewing enjoyment!

This is what Christian thinks about going to bed.


Rahel said...

good luck!

Justin, Melanie, & Juliet said...

Sorry Heath, I know how frustrating it can be. All I can say is I hope he grows out of that soon. Although it is cute from my side to see him jumping in his bed.