Monday, June 29, 2009

Christian loves balloon!

Christian really loves balloons. Every time we go to the grocery store, Christian will point at the balloon that the store uses for decoration. I can tell that he was one really bad. I had not ever bought him any balloons before. I got thinking to myself, why haven't I. Really cheap entertainment, why not. I bought a who package so when ever I need something to keep Christian entertained, all I need to do is blow up a balloon. Here are a couple of things that Christian loves to do with his balloons:

Christian loves to play with his dad, when he comes home.


Mark and Cheree said...

oh my goodness, he is cute! He is such an athletic little guy. Isn't great that such little things can make kids so happy!

Stacy B said...

He's so cute! What a great idea!

Brandy Lynn said...

Hey Heather,
I am not sure what your email address is so I figure that is works just as good. I know you metioned that you guys want to adopt again some day so I thought that you may be interested in checking out this website.