Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Pleasures

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas with my parents. We went to Nathan and Sarah's for Christmas Eve dinner. This is what we had for dinner: Cook shrimp, cold shrimp, clam chowder, rolls, a vegetable tray, and rice. In my family growing up we had clam chowder. I like Nathan and Sarah tradition with the clam chowder. They put some kind of nut in their clam chowder and who ever gets the nut, gets a surprise. I was the lucky one that got the nut. The prize was the game Janga. I was really excited for two reasons: one that Christian has blocks to play with and two that the game is just plan fun.

We stayed to for the Christmas Eve activities: watching Disney Christmas carol, acted out the nativity, and watched Luke II.

Christian eating the wrapping paper after opening his present.

Christian with his mom.

Align CenterRebekah playing with Christian

On Christmas, we had fun just watching Christians first experience with Christmas. Christian go a bike that plays music. He loves it. He mostly just likes the music. He got a phone and some clothes from Grandpa and Grandma. Here is a cute video of him playing with his bike:

Chris got: a cell phone, shoes, white dress shirt, a wireless router, flash drive, micro SD card, and a fun game to play in the summer time.

I received: towels from Chris, a shirt, a digital picture fame, SD card, micro SD card, and a new pantry. My sister-in-law, came up with this idea to put shelves in our coat closet to make a pantry. My dad and brother made this present a reality. I am so happy with this present because we need more space to put our food. Thanks so very much to all who helped with this project!!!

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