Monday, July 28, 2008

Crawling Christian

We didn't think Christian would crawl before he walked. He did not show many progressive signs that he was getting close to crawling. We had the fear that he would walk before he crawled. Christian learned how to scoot. He gets up on his toes and then falls down. Here is a cute video to show how he moves:

front view

Back view

I really enjoy his new found mobility because he will play on the floor for a few minutes before he starts to cry. He use to start to cry as soon as I put him down.

Christian has had a big week. In addition to his new mode of transportation, he started cutting teeth. I would take a picture of this but it is so hard to capture his smile on camera. He has a cute smile but he doesn't smile very much. I can't wait until they come in all the way for several reasons. First because I know it hurts him. Second, because I think it will look so cute with his bottom teeth.


PJ Day said...

wow look at him go.

Jenny said...

I love how he yells the whole way like... " if you wouldn't set my toys so far away from me I wouldn't have to do push ups to get to it"
He is crawling WAY early!!! Lucky you. Claire keeps trying to crawl and I roll her over. I'm not ready for a mobile baby yet.

Anonymous said...

I love when they get going. So cute.

Steve and Katrina said...

He is getting so big!